All For IU🐥

IU Union Streaming Guidelines


voting schedule

Idolchamp -Thurs 6PM to Sun 11:59PM KST
Starpass - Friday 8PM to Monday 2PM KST
Whosfan/Mwave - Fri 2PM to Mon 9AM KST
Mubeat - Tues 6PM to Thurs 11AM KST

Voting apps

Music shows airtime

SBS The Show - Tuesday 6PM KST
MBC Show Champion - Wednesday 6PM KST
M Countdown - Thursday 6PM KST
Music Bank - Friday 5PM KST
Music Core - Saturday 3:40PM KST
Inkigayo - Sunday 3:40PM KST

iu brand reputation

iu union lilac goals

Monthly singer brand reputation ranking

Donate here on our Paypal Account: